CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta says the brain is "rewired" when someone becomes addicted. … [Read more...]
New Opiate 10x Stronger Than Vicodin
December 31, 2011 by
As a new pain pill 10 times stronger than Vicodin is closer to hitting the market, drug addiction specialists are expressing concerns. Your Brain on Drugs - Hydrocodone … [Read more...]
World’s Most Dangerous Drug
March 31, 2011 by
Methamphetamines affect the brain in numerous ways. The drug tricks the brain into thinking that extra dopamine is released. Eventually, the brain shuts down. Faces Of Meth: Before and … [Read more...]
Ozzie Osbourne
August 30, 2010 by
Clip talking about Ozzy's battle of drug addiction. … [Read more...]